Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How to Save Money During the Holiday Season

Being prepared this Holiday Season can save you a ton of money and time that should be spent enjoying the holidays with family and friends rather than stressing about money, debt and your finances!

Below are some helpful tips to saving money this Holiday Season!


- Set a realistic holiday budget. Evaluate how much money you have available to spend over the holidays, how much you plan on spending, and allocating a cushion for emergencies.

- Items to include in your holiday budget:
  • Presents
  • Gift Cards
  • Wrapping Paper and Supplies
  • Transportation 
  • Food
  • Entertainment 
  • Decorations 

Gift Exchange:

- Have a large group of friends? Co-workers? Gift Exchanges make Christmas much more affordable as you only have to purchase a gift for one person! These can include, Secret Santa, White Elephant, etc. 

- If you have a larger family, consider having the adults participate in a gift exchange, but the younger children will still get gifts from everyone!

-If I have multiple friends to buy for, I will buy in bulk (a pack of 18 bath bombs, a pack of 9 nail polish, etc.) and divide them up! 

Host a Potluck:

- If you're hosting Christmas at your house, that doesn't mean you have to do all of the cooking and buy all of the food (which can get very expensive!)

-A potluck will make entertaining guests less stressful and easier for everyone!

Shop As Soon As Possible:

- Starting your holiday shopping months in advance will be less stressful! Stores will be more likely to have specific items, be less crowded, and most importantly you will be able to do your research and find the best price! 

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