Thursday, January 29, 2015

Birthday Post: 21 Facts About Me!

Today is my 21st birthday and to celebrate I thought I would share with you 21 facts you may not know about me. Enjoy!

  1. I was born 8 weeks premature and stayed in the NICU for 5 weeks.
  2. I took my first steps for an oreo cookie.
  3. I enjoy cleaning. I do it to relax.
  4. 8th Grade was one of the best yet worst years of my life.
  5. I love books, movies, you name it where there are spies and romance involved.
  6. One of my greatest fears is having life not turn out how I planned and dreamed of.
  7. My mom is my best friend.
  8. I hate swimming in the ocean.
  9. I have issues trusting people, especially ones I have just met.
  10. Harry Potter was my childhood. Still waiting for my letter from Hogwarts.
  11. I have naturally curly hair and hate it.
  12. My closet is color coordinated.
  13. I live in my pajamas, I swear I own more than actual clothes.
  14. My constant craving is FROYO.
  15. I cannot walk in heels.
  16. Spend most nights reading Harry Styles fan fiction.
  17. Never have had a proper boyfriend.
  18. I have always loved and always will love Cody Simpson.
  19. I hate drinking water.
  20. First celebrity crush was Frankie Muniz.
  21. Would love to meet a pen pal or fellow friend through blogging.
There it is, 21 facts about me. I hope you enjoyed! If you have any questions please leave them down below!


  1. Happy 21st Birthday! I hope it is amazing! (:

    1. con toi co duoc phep lam ban cua ban khong
      neu coi toi la ban thi toi se coi ban la ban toi
      toi rat ghet ke thu cua toi nhung lai ton trong nhung nguoi ban cua toi.
      that day

  2. Replies
    1. ok !!
      toi cung cam on ban
      neu co dieu gi vui ke toi nghe
      viec gi xau nhac toi voi

  3. Loved reading your answers!! Your blog is so nice! New follower!

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  5. Love, love reading lists like this!! My closet used to be color coordinated too! Happy Belated Birthday, woohoo!!


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